As you can see, this is not actually Day 4 of my blog. My blogging days are based on the days that I manage to find enough time to blog. For me, this was a weekend filled with at least ten hours of grading. I had to grade homework, quizzes, and I started grading the murder mystery group projects that I mentioned in a previous blog. Most of the time I try to solicit the help of others so that I am not spending the entire weekend grading. But, even though I was able to solicit help this weekend, I am still exhausted! I am listening to some relaxing jazz and trying to regroup from this work-filled weekend before I start another work-filled week.
What is my complaint today? (You may ask yourself). Well, I will tell you. Why are teachers always blamed for the lack of success of their students? As you know, I have been teaching for eleven years and work very hard to supply my students with the recipe for achievement in my class, but we all know the old saying, "You can lead a dear to the water, but you cannot make it drink." This is how I feel about my students too. If I am doing my job by providing my students with the best possible opportunity to learn and they choose not to, then whose fault is that? The teacher's fault? I don't believe so.
Education is a fifty-fifty scenario. I, the teacher, put in my half of the job by providing opportunities and great learning experiences for my students and the students put in their half by working hard to learn and taking advantage of those opportunities provided. Now, as any good teacher would say, students usually fail or get poor grades because they are not fulfilling their part of the unspoken educational agreement (fifty-fifty agreement). Sometimes their part is not fulfilled because they have a busy schedule, sometimes their part is not fulfilled because they lack confidence to do what is needed to get the job done, and sometimes their part is not fulfilled because they are lazy. It's as pure and simple as that!
You remember being a teenager, right? If you ever failed a class in high school or got a C in a class when you believed you should have earned a better grade, who is the first person you blamed? Yourself?.....ha ha...don't make me laugh! No, of course you did not blame yourself. Instead, you blamed your teacher. You would say things like, "Oh, that teacher sucks, that is why I got a bad grade" or "That teacher has something against me and doesn't like me".....I can go on and on with excuses, but that is all that those words are, excuses. There are teachers that are not very good and there are teachers that are lazy and sometimes a student's complaint is legitimate, but never is it an excuse to fail or perform poorly! Get a grip! Take responsibility for your education. Do you think that Einstein had a bad teacher at one point in his life? Of course he did, but did that stop him from finding answers to complicated questions? Not at all!! And it should not stop you either.